Our Service Epidermal Repair

What is Epidermal Repair?

Epidermal Repair uses radio frequency to produce heat onto a probe that is used to dehydrate moisture in certain benign skin lesions. This service can treat the following:


  • Milia: often mistaken for acne, it is a build-up of keratin in the pore creating a hard-white bump. The heat from the radio frequency will melt and loosen the keratin, unplugging the pore and allowing the skin to exfoliate the milia.


  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia: appears like a flesh-coloured or pinkish donut around a pore. Caused by a collapsed oil gland, which allowed for oil to build up and pool around the pore underneath the skin. The oil is heated up and expelled from the skin, which shrinks and flattens the lesion.


  • Broken Capillaries/ Cherry Anginomas: the water within the capillary is dehydrated, leaving behind dried-up iron oxide (blood), which the body will then exfoliate over a day or two (cannot treat purple deep veins, only surface).


  • Sun Spots/Hyperpigmentation/Pigmented Solar Keratosis: (<10mm) water is applied to the area, and a hashtag pattern is scratched on, which dehydrates the pigmented cells causing them to flake off. The area may become darker before completely falling off the skin.


  • Skin tags/Fibromas: skin growth that has a tiny stem attached to the body. May resemble a mole. Often found in areas with lots of friction, i.e. armpits, between thighs, and neck. Water is applied to the area to allow the heat to dry up the tissue, as well as dehydrate the water in the blood vessel that is running through the stem of the skin tag. The lesion will shrivel up and fall off within a few days to weeks post-treatment.


  • Cholesterol Deposits: soft, flat yellow bumps that appear on the inner corner of the eyes and upper and lower eyelids. The heat will melt the oil and be pushed out of the lesion, flattening the bumps.


It is important to never scratch, pick or scrub at the lesions while they are healing. We recommend applying polysporin regularly until everything is fully healed. If the lesions are in areas of friction (armpits, between thighs) we recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing until the lesion is gone, so as not to prematurely rip it off. It may take up to three treatments depending on the size of the lesion.


Epidermal Repair cannot treat styes, chalazia, syringioma, moles, warts, keratosis seborrheic, melanomas, or spider veins. If you are unsure what type of lesion you have, you can book a skin consultation or talk to a dermatologist prior to your appointment.


Blog By Stephanie Byrne